- 作品番号
- W-88
- 作者
- 作品名
- 旭日桜 月下紅葉 双幅
- 作品詳細
絹本着色金泥金砂子 二重箱入 各35×97 各48.5×188cm 微少シミ・微少ヤケ・微少オレ・少剥落 箱傷ミ
- 略歴
- 価格(日本円)
- 250,000
- Item number
- W-88
- Artist
- Title
- Two hanging scrolls of Cherry blossoms and the rising sun, Japanese maple and the moon
- Caption
- Materials : ink, colour, gold and gold dust on silk
wooden boxed (double)
Size : W 35 × H 97 cm (Each image) ・ W 48.5 × H 188 cm (Each mount)
Condition: slightly stained, slightly browned, slightly creased, partly flaked/ slightly damaged on the box - Price(JPY)
- 250,000