Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
Nagasawa Rosetsu / Confederate roses and Chickens

- 作品番号
- W-33
- 作者
- 作品名
- 木芙蓉白鶏図
- 作品詳細
絹本着色 長沢芦鳳箱書 箱入 36.5×101 50.5×189cm 本紙少オレ・少傷ミ 『香雲軒蔵品入札目録』(昭和十二年)並『東海道島田町秋野家及某家所蔵品入札目録』並『古画総覧』所載 「香雲軒」蔵印有
- 略歴
- 価格(日本円)
- 売約済
- Item number
- W-33
- Artist
- Title
- Confederate roses and Chickens
- Caption
- Materials : ink and colour on silk
wooden boxed (signed by Nagasawa Roho)
Size : W 36.5 × H 101 cm (Image) ・ W 50.5 × H 189 cm (Mount)
Condition: slightly creased, slightly damaged
Appeared in Auction catalogue of the Kouunken's Collection and Photographic Archive of Japanese Paintings
stamped by Kouunken - Price(JPY)
- Sold out