Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
The Thirteen Buddhas painted in the Muromachi period

- 作品番号
- W-101
- 作品名
- 室町期 十三仏図
- 作品詳細
絹本着色金泥金截金 二重箱入 37.5×87 54.5×185cm 本紙傷ミ・ヤケ 修復済
- 価格(日本円)
- 1,200,000
- Item number
- W-101
- Title
- The Thirteen Buddhas painted in the Muromachi period
- Caption
- Materials : ink, colour, gold and kirikane gold on silk
wooden boxed (double)
Size : W 37.5 × H 87 cm (Image) ・ W 54.5 × H 185 cm (Mount)
Condition: trace of repair / damaged, browned on the image - Price(JPY)
- 1,200,000