Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
Painted by Maruyama Okyo, inscription by Enman’in Yujo / Beautiful woman of Takasago

- 作品番号
- W-111
- 作者
- 作品名
- 高砂美人図
- 作品詳細
ちりをかかふよ」紙本水墨 江馬天江箱書 二重箱入 51×123.5 70.5×194.5cm 明和7年(1770)応挙38歳 祐常48歳 美品 雪・森寛斎 月・国井応文 花・中島有章描表具 中島有章極 久原房之助旧蔵
- 略歴
- 価格(日本円)
- 1,800,000
- Item number
- W-111
- Artist
- Title
- Beautiful woman of Takasago
- Caption
- Materials : ink on paper
wooden boxed (double / signed by Ema Tenko)
Size : W 51 × H 123.5 cm (Image) ・ W 70.5 × H 194.5 cm (Mount)
Painted in 1770, Okyo at the age of 38, Yujo at the age of 48
good condition
Mori kansai, Kunii Obun and Nakajima Yusho painted on the mount
certification by Nakajima Yusho
old collection of Kuhara Husanosuke - Price(JPY)
- 1,800,000