Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
Inscription by Motoori Norinaga, painted by Mochizuki Gyokusen / Fireflies and Calligraphy

- 作品番号
- W-160
- 作者
- 作品名
- 深夜螢 画賛
- 作品詳細
「深夜螢 さよふけてみしまの夢の螢かな
月は入ぬる磯の草葉に 宣長」紙本着色 箱入 (短冊)3×36 (本紙)27×97 (総丈)28.5×169cm 少オレ・少傷ミ
- 略歴
- 価格(日本円)
- 売約済
- Item number
- W-160
- Artist
- Title
- Fireflies and Calligraphy
- Caption
- Materials : ink and colour on paper
wooden boxed
Size : W 6 × H 36cm (strip of paper)・ W 27 × H 97 cm (Image) ・ W 28.5 × H 169 cm (Mount)
Condition: slightly creased, slightly damaged - Price(JPY)
- Sold out