Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
Ukita Ikkei / Asadumabune

- 作品番号
- W-258
- 作者
- 作品名
- 朝妻舟
- 作品詳細
絹本着色 山名貫義箱書並題簽 入江為守箱書並旧蔵並自詠短冊有 二重箱入 49×112 66×202cm 本紙微少シミ・微少傷ミ 外箱傷ミ
- 略歴
- (日本語)
- 価格(日本円)
- 250,000
- Item number
- W-258
- Artist
- Title
- Asadumabune
- Caption
- Materials : ink and colour on silk
wooden boxed (double / signed by Yamana Tsurayoshi and Irie Tamemori)
Size : W 49 × H 112 cm (Image) ・ W 66 × H 202 cm (Mount)
Condition: slightly stained, slightly damaged on the image / slightly damaged on the box
entitled by Yamana Tsurayoshi
strip of paper written by and the old collection of Irie Tamemori - Price(JPY)
- 250,000