Paintings/Before the Meiji Restoration (-1868)
Tanomura Chikuden / Cherry blossoms

- 作品番号
- W-325
- 作者
- 作品名
- 桜花図
- 作品詳細
白雲」紙本水墨 田能村直外箱書 44×29 52.5×113cm 表具少シミ・微少虫穴 本紙少オレ 『大分県先哲叢書 田能村竹田 資料集 絵画篇』所載 「田能村竹田先生百四十年祭遺墨展観会」並「画聖田能村竹田先生百四十二年祭遺墨展観」並「竹田市立歴史資料館展観」出陳
- 略歴
- 価格(日本円)
- 550,000
- Item number
- W-325
- Artist
- Title
- Cherry blossoms
- Caption
- Materials : ink on paper
wooden boxed (signed by Tanomura Chokugai)
Size : W 44 × H 29 cm (Image) ・ W 52.5 × H 113 cm (Mount)
Condition: slightly stained, wormholes on the mount / slightly creased on the image
Appeared in "Oita Pref. Sentetu Sousho Tanomura Chikuden Data collection -Paintings-"
exhibit in "Tanomura Chikuden 140th Anniversary Exhibition", "Tanomura Chikuden 142nd Anniversary Exhibition", and "Taketa City Historical Museum (Taketa-shiritu Rekishi Shiryo-kan)" - Price(JPY)
- 550,000