Nagasawa Rosetsu
Jurōjin in the Mount Penglai
Kino Hironari
Hatta Kado
6 Hanging scrolls (The life of Honen)
Kawai Gyokudo, Shimomura Kanzan, Suzuki Kason, and Terasaki Kogyo
Four seasons (fan motif)
Ono Tamehachi
A hawk and a flock of sparrows on the boat
Kawada Shoryu
The Three Visits in the snow
Maruyama Okyo
Sold out
Inscription by Motoori Norinaga, painted by Mochizuki Gyokusen
Fireflies and Calligraphy
Kimura Ryugaku
Kurama tengu and Ushiwakamaru
Matsumura Keibun
Chrysanthemums by the stream
The Sixteen Guardian Deities painted in Mid-Edo period