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Portrait of Kennyo painted in the Momoyama period to early Edo period
Haruki Nanko
Bamboo blowing in the wind on a cold night
Watanabe Nangaku
Beautiful woman
Mori Sosen
Tiger in the snow
Kano Tan'yu
Mt.Fuji in the snow
Kawamra Jakugen
Travel in the snow
Murakami Kagaku
Cintāmaṇicakra (Nyoirin Kannon)
Yamaguchi Soken
Kimura Buzan
Mahasthamaprapta (Seishi Bosatsu)
Hanabusa Itcho
A flock of birds perched on an old tree
Nagasawa Rosetsu
The Three Visits in the snow
Yoshimura Kokei
3 Hanging scrolls of Hawk, Spider and Bear