Kikuchi Hobun
Cherry blossoms and water birds
Yosa Buson
Copper pheasant and Calligraphy
Watanabe Kaiko
Peacocks under the Pine, A half of four-panel folding screen
Minagawa Kien
Spring landscape
Hishida Syunsou
Plum blossoms
Sakai Sanryo
Spring rain(shrike)
Painted by Morikawa Kyoriku, inscription by Takarai Kikaku
Plum blossoms and Calligraphy
Hanabusa Itcho
Two hanging scrolls of Plum blossoms under the moon, Bamboo and roses
Ito Shinsui
Early spring
Tanomura Chikuden
Cherry blossoms
Kaneko Kinryo
Joyful sparrows, plum blossoms, and confederate roses
Nakajima Raishou