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Hanabusa Itcho
Shojo and a sake cup
Maruyama Okyo
Persimmons and a warbling white-eye
Kano Chikanobu
Sparrow and mayfly
Sugai Baikan
Red plum blossoms, orchid and stone
Hine Taizan
Autumn Landscape
Tosa Mitsuoki
3 Hanging scrolls of quails and rising sun
Yosa Buson
Insect seller and Calligraphy
Tetsuou Somon
Painted by Maruyama Okyo, inscription by Shibayama Mochitoyo
Gumibukuro and Calligraphy
Nagasawa Rosetsu
Sparrows with wisteria
Inscription by Toyama Mitsuzane, Painted by Hara Zaichu
Mt Fuji of the Four Seasons
Inscription by Yanagisawa Gyozan, Painted by Kano Yusen
Dianthus and Calligraphy