Hanabusa Itcho
Standing hina dolls and carpet
Hashimoto Gaho
2 Hanging scrolls of waterfalls, kannon
Yasuda Yukihiko
white plum blossoms
Painted by Takeuchi Seiho, inscription by Inoue Segai
Weeping cherry and Calligraphy
Yasuda Raishu
Yezo and Matsumae(northern part of Meiji-era Japan)
Painted by Ikeda Tsugumasa, inscription by Kano Chikanobu
Portrait of Yoshida Kenko and Calligraphy
Sold out
Takahashi Deishu
Tanaka Isson
Apricot flowers
Hashimoto Kansetsu
Kobayashi Wasaku
Sea of Sado
Nakabayashi Chikkei
Yamaguchi Soken and Watanabe Nangaku
Paper hina dolls